Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dios es Amor

Thursday was our day to visit the other two schools in El Hogar Ministries family.  We hopped in the farm van at 7am and headed out to our first stop, the Technical Institute, where we got to see boys from ages 12-18 learning the skills to be electricians, carpenters, and metal workers.  This campus is the newest of the three, and we were very impressed by the facilities.  We didn´t get to spend any time with the boys from this school, but we shared many smiles as we toured their classrooms.  We also got to meet a couple of teachers from the States who have been living that the school teaching English and Math.  Their willingness to commit to the school in this special way was very inspiring!

Next we visited the El Hogar Elementary School in downtown Tegucigalpa.  This compact oasis in the heart of the city is home to dozens of little boys and girls, who have found in its walls a safe place to live, learn, and grow.  We got to see their beautiful new dorms, and also visit several of the classrooms.  The ninos were, it almost goes without saying, very cute.  We also got a mini concert on xylaphone and drums when we visited a music class.  It was great!

Next we headed out for a ¨tourist area¨called the ¨Valley of Angels.  Here we had a meal that included french fries!!!  We also had a chance to visit a few shops and pick up some gifts.  Then it was back to the farm to prepare for our last evening with the boys.

As I write this, the last of the boys is filing out of the dining hall.  Before dinner the boys and the school´s director, Johnny, thanked us for coming, and each member of the team had a chance to share our impression of the school and what it was that we most enjoyed during the visit.  We all exressed our gratitude for this amazing opportunity, and our deep affection for the students and staff.

We will have one more play session with the boys tonight, and then it´s off to the airport in the morning.  I´m sure that it will take some time to process our experience, but keep an eye on this blog, as we hope to continue to reflect on this experience from home, even as we think about returning soon.  One thing that we are sure of is that God´s love is very present and active in this place!

Please pray for safe travels!  We are praying for all of you!  Blessings-the Team


Greetings!  On Wednesday we continued our rotation of farm chores with the boys.  Our plan was to work on a project involving shower doors in the afternoon, but the plumbing issue in the boys bathroom was the priority, so we helpled the plumber where we could, and then got cleaned up for an afternoon worship service in the school chapel with the boys at 3pm.  The worship was wonderful...filled with heartfelt prayers and joyful singing.  It was evening prayer again, and it was wonderful to pray and exchange peace with our friends. 

After worship  and dinner, we had another gaming session with the boys.  It is the nature of this sort of trip that just as everyone is getting to know each other well, and get very comfortable with each other, the spectre of our departure looms, so are seeking every chance we can to spend time with the boys.

Thursday morning we will head out early to visit the Technical School and the Elementary School.  We are looking forward to seeing what else God is doing through this poweful and vital ministry.  Keep praying!-The Team

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Joys of Routine

Greetings Amigos!  Now that we have been on the farm a few days, we are starting to settle into a nice routine.  Up at 5am, rotating farm chores with the boys until 10:30, lunch and siesta until 1, special projects until dinner, then some free time until we join to boys for games before bed. 

We got involved in a special project on Tuesday, and the boy´s bathroom had a broken pipe, so some of us helped break up the tile and dig down to the problem area.  Others spent the afternoon with some of the boys as they milked the cows.  Turned out we have a few ¨naturals¨in our group as both our student teachers and the cows seemed pleased! 

A laid back evening ended with another game playing session with the boys.  We now know many of them by name, and continue to be blessed by their easy smiles and eager participation.  We have also had a chance to learn about the very difficult road that lead many of these boys here, which makes their openness even more remarkable.

Same schedule for today, and then it sounds like we will get to visit the other to schools under the El Hogar banner on Thursday.  Keep praying!-The Team

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Down on the Farm

Happy Martes everyone!  We are all doing well, and very much enjoying our time in this special place!  Last evening (Monday) provided some drama as we had to deal with a backed up septic system, a student with a badly sprained ankle courtesy of the staff vs. students futbol game, and a snake that showed up on the porch of the dining hall during our game time with the boys.  Fortunetly, we were able, with the help of our excellent hosts, to meet each of these challenges and overcome them.

We continued our painting project on Monday afternoon, and have now put a fresh coat on much of the area surrounding the dining hall.  We spent the rest of the evening hanging out with the boys...playing, laughing, becoming amigos.

Tuesday morning we split up again to help with some planting, goat tending, egg collecting, and breaking up some tile to help the plumber get to a clog in the pipes for the boy´s shower.  The materials for our next project, fixing some shower doors, won´t be in until tomorrow, so we will see what develops this afternoon.

We learned today that while the elementary school gets almost constant visitors, we are the first group to come to the farm in almost a year.  We are very grateful for this chance to share God´s love with these boys, and have vowed as a group to return to the farm as soon as possible.  Keep praying!!!!  Blessings-the Team

Monday, March 28, 2011

Dios Esta Aqui

Greetings!  Back on the internet after being unable to connect on Sunday.  So much to share!  On Sunday we got a grand tour of the farm from the boys and got to watch them have a blast swimming in one of the farm ponds.  We had a day off from our painting project, so we mostly relaxed and hung out with the students until late afternoon when we attended an Evensong service in the nearby villiage of Talanga.  The Church building was very humble, but the people where so welcoming and their strong faith was palpable.  As the chorus of our last hymn affirmed, ¨Dios Esta Aqui.¨

Sunday night after another meal of beans and tortillas (supplemented by some fresh watermelon that we picked up to share in Talanga), we played cards with the boys until their bedtime.  We are making fast friends with these wonderful young men!

This (Monday) morning, we split up in pairs to help the boys with some of their farm chores.  Everything from herding cows and goats to collecting eggs.  It was fun and we learned a lot about what it takes to keep a farm running smoothly.  This afternoon while the boys are in class, we will complete our painting project before taking a bit of much deserved rest this evening. 

With the exception of a few upset stomachs and sore limbs, we are all doing very well.  Keep praying!  We miss you all...and will check in again when possible.  Blessings-the Team

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Hi folks!  So much to share already!  Here are a few highlights:

-Travel yesterday was an adventure for all of us...wild plane landing and fast, bumpy, eye-opening ride from the city to the farm...but our teammate Mike from Boston takes the prize for travel adventures.  Due to an airport fire in Miami, he ended up arriving in Tegucigalpa via El Salvador at 8:30pm local time.  When Luis brought him to the farm from the airport at 10:30, the rest of us were all asleep!  So we helped Mike find a bed to crash in and saved his welcome party for the morning.  We are very grateful to have him with us at last!

-Today (Saturday) we awoke with the students at 5am and after breakfast with the boys and a brief prayer time, we began a painting project that would take us most of the day.  It was hard work, but very rewarding to see the difference in the facade of the boy´s mess hall.

-We are getting to know the boys.  The language barrier is a challenge, but they are so open and friendly that  we are beginning to become Amigos none the less.

Tonight we will be dining on some of the fish that we saw the boys catch from the farm pond, and then we will have some time to play games with them before bed.  The tomorrow we will be spending a lot more time with the boys, including going to Church with them in the nearby town of Talanga.  We´ll keep updating as we can.  Hopefully with pics if we can get them to load.  Keep praying!


Friday, March 25, 2011

We Made It!!!

Hi folks,

We made it!  We are at the farm.  Internet access will be somewhat limited, so we may have to put up stories and pics when we get back...we´ll see...but wanted to let you all know that we are safe, and have already had some amazing experiences. Thank you all for your prayers...and keep them coming!